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Workshop 2024 (online)
Equalitarian collaborations for the future of Biodiversity Genomics

04 - 06  March, 2024

Online event

The Workshop "Equalitarian collaborations for the future of Biodiversity Genomics" will address the challenges in generating genomic resources in Brazil and equity in international partnerships as a way of accelerating the generation of genomic data and its application to the conservation of Neotropical biodiversity. A number of topics will be covered, each involving a presentation on the development and application of each stage of the genomic data generation workflow, followed by a discussion with experts and stakeholders who intend to apply these methodologies in Brazil. The aim of this workshop is to establish a plan for international cooperation that enriches understanding of the importance of genomics for biodiversity conservation and the need for countries and regions to play a leading role in the process of generating, processing and using data from their own biodiversity.

Organizers: GenoTropics Consortium and UNICAMP


1. Brazilian legislation and the Nagoya Protocol
This topic will cover current Brazilian legislation for the collection, use and export of genetic material from species collected in national territory, as well as Brazilian regulation of the Nagoya Protocol and registration on the SisGen platform.


Moderator: Fabricio Santos  - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, MG

Speaker: Manuela da Silva - Fiocruz, RJ


Discussion Table

Manuela da Silva

Paula Riccardi

Guilherme Oliveira

Maira Smith

Jonatas Abraão

Henry Novion

2. Collecting and storing samples for genomics
This topic will cover good practices in the process of collecting material to obtain data from complete genomes (reference or re-sequencing). The process includes tissue collection, storage, metadata collection, in the field or centres containing living species (rescue centres, zoos, aquariums, herbaria, living collections, ex-situ populations and others). Topics such as on-site species identification and vouchers will also be covered.

Moderator: Pedro Galetti - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, SP

Speaker: Fred Henning - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Discussion Table

Roberto Vilela

Fred Henning

Flávia Miranda

Pedro Galetti

Emilio Lanna

Mariana Pires Telles

3. Sample banks for genomics
This topic will cover the process of creating and maintaining sample banks for genomics, including infrastructure, internal organisation, logistics, public information, and usage policies. Cryobanks as well as tissue or DNA banks will be included.


Moderator: Eduardo Eizirik - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

Speaker: Camila Ribas - Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia, AM


Discussion Table

Manuela da Silva

José Maurício Barbanti

Camila Ribas

Marcelo Weksler

4. Technologies and infrastructure for genome generation
This topic will address the types of data generated for analysing complete genomes (reference genomes, pan-genomes, re-sequencing), including the necessary infrastructure and associated costs, with a focus on the existing infrastructure in Brazil.

Moderator & Speaker: Larissa Arantes, Leibniz Institute for Zoo & Wildlife Research, Germany


Discussion Table

Joaquim Manoel da Silva

Thannya N Soares

Frederico Henning

Alexandre Aleixo

5. Processing and storage of genomic data
This theme will cover topics such as computer infrastructure for processing and storing genomic data, public data and metadata platforms, FAIR processing of the data obtained and the possibility of immediately opening the processed data publicly.  


Moderator: Camila Mazzoni, Leibniz Institute for Zoo & Wildlife Research, Germany

Speaker: Louise Teixeira Cerdeira, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

Discussion Table

Louise Teixeira Cerdeira

Thiago Parente

Fabricius Domingos

Georgios Pappas Jr

Tomas Hrbek

6. Obtaining financial resources
This topic will address the possibilities - as well as the limitations - of obtaining financial resources inside and outside the country for the generation and processing of genomic data from Brazilian Biodiversity.


Moderator & Speaker: Eduardo Eizirik - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

Discussion Table

Mariana Pires Telles

Cláudia Czarneski

Daniel Carvalho

Guilherme Oliveira

Marie-Anne Van Sluys

7. Generating genomic data abroad
This topic will address the technologies present in large academic and commercial sequencing centres, costs and the possibilities of using them by researchers based in Brazil, including logistical challenges.

Moderator: Julia Tovar Verba, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Speaker: Marcela Uliano-Silva, Wellcome Sanger Institute, United Kingdom

Discussion Table

Bruno Ferrete

Marcela Uliano

Mariana Nery

Thiago Mafra Batista

Sibelle Vilaça

Alessandro Varani

8. Broad international partnerships
This topic will address broad international partnerships with Brazil, either existing or in the process of being formed, including how Brazil fits into the internal organisation of partnerships and the benefits of data generated from Brazilian biodiversity species. Emphasis will be placed on GenoTropics, but other broad partnerships may be presented.  


Moderator & Speaker: Camila Mazzoni, Leibniz Institute for Zoo & Wildlife Research, Germany

Discussion Table

Klaus Hartfelder

Hernani Fernandes de Oliveira

Jonathan Ready

Eduardo Eizirik

Fernando Rosado Spilki

Marie-Anne Van Sluys

9. Interaction with stakeholders: application of knowledge generated through genomic data from Brazilian and Neotropical Biodiversity
This topic will address the perspective of stakeholders interested in using genomic data as a means of scientific information for decision-making on how to develop efficient ways of interacting with the scientific community.


Moderator: Ricardo Pereira, Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, Germany

Speaker: Carolyn Hogg, University of Sydney, Australia


Discussion Table

Amely Martins

Patricia Domingues de Freitas

Vanessa Paes da Cruz

Diego M. Riaño-Pachón

10. Fair and equitable sharing of genetic resources from Brazilian biodiversity in international collaborations
This topic will broadly address the need for international co-operation to accelerate the use of genomic resources for research and conservation of Brazilian Biodiversity, as well as the need for Brazilian participation and that of its traditional peoples in the process.


Moderator: Mariana Nery, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP

Speaker: Anne Muigai, National Defence University-Kenya & Chair of the African BioGenome Project

Discussion Table

Camila Mazzoni

Ândrea Ribeiro dos Santos

Ana Benko

Gustavo Soldati

Juliana Vianna

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