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Adaptive Genomics for Neotropical species

We are a group of scientists aiming to establish a network of collaboration for the study of adaptive genomics in neotropical species.



To establish a Consortium of experts to apply Genomic approaches to Neotropical species through training, knowledge transfer and joint analyses of several ongoing and new sub-projects focused on the genetic basis of adaptive traits favouring species diversification.


Connect Genomics experts from Brazil, Germany and other countries working on emblematic Neotropical species.


In-depth comparative and population genomic analyses of

high-quality genomes.


Training of students and young researchers in new Genomic techniques through workshops and during stays abroad.


Generation and analysis of new genomic data representing intraspecific divergence and differential environmental adaptation.


Co-writing of new proposals targeting external funding for expanding

the species set.


Establishment of legal and technical protocols to assure a future equalitarian interchange of tissue samples, genomic data and of researchers.


GenoTropics was started in 2022 as a bi-national Brazilian-German Consortium of experts in Genomic approaches to Neotropical species. The establishment of the consortium was funded by the PPP International / Probal CAPES-DAAD  program, for 4 years (2023-2026). As part of this initial project, Workshops in Genomics are organised by the participating research groups from Germany (Mazzoni, Pereira) in collaboration with the Brazilian partners (Santos, Nery, Eizirik). The workshops aim to disseminate knowledge in Genomics applied to Neotropical species and to connect and increase the network of GenoTropics. The first workshop focuses on Genomics methods applied to non-model species and is offered through the Biology Institute of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in May 2023.

Current Projects

Principal Investigators

Ricardo J Pereira

“From extant, reproductively isolated, species it is difficult to identify which genes initiate the process of species formation, and how they affect lineage evolution through time – Darwin’s “mystery of mysteries”. In my research group we apply population genomics methods to a variety of hybridizing taxa that function as windows into the process of species formation. These methods offer insights both into fundamental questions on evolutionary, and in practical questions on conservation biology. I envision using the GenoTropic network to foster equalitarian collaborations between Natural History museums in Germany, where genomic methods are common practice, and research institutions in Brazil, where diversity at the species- and the genetic-level are highest. "

Join our contact list!

At GenoTropics, we are dedicated to advancing genomics research in Neotropical species. To achieve this goal, we would like to connect with researchers and students from Brazil and other countries who share our passion for genomics.  Through our contact list, we will keep you informed about upcoming workshops, meetings, and other events and opportunities relevant to the entire network.



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©2023 by Genotropics

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